Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

November 17, 2018

GITenberg - Maintaining our Cultural Heritage in eBooks

Gitenberg is a collaborative, open source community curating and publishing highly usable and attractive ebooks in the public domain. Our books are free to use by anyone for any purpose. They contain detailed metadata and are accessible in a wide variety of formats.

Firefox Color

Avec quelques thèmes en plus prêts à l'emploi : https://github.com/JoshuaScript/Firefox-Color-Gallery

GitHub - jimsalterjrs/sanoid: Policy-driven snapshot management and replication tools. Currently using ZFS for underlying next-gen storage, with explicit plans to support btrfs when btrfs becomes more reliable. Primarily intended for Linux, but BSD use is supported and reasonably frequently tested.

Policy-driven snapshot management and replication tools. Using ZFS for underlying next-gen storage. (Btrfs support plans are shelved unless and until btrfs becomes reliable.) Primarily intended for Linux, but BSD use is supported and reasonably frequently tested. http://www.openoid.net/products/

We're Reddit's Infrastructure team, ask us anything! : sysadmin

Rien que pour le :

What’s the average daily traffic for reddit in terms of gbps or tbps?
Last month, all in, it was > 32 GBytes/sec ~= 256Gbit/sec

C'est intéressant à lire.

huestacean | Philips Hue control app for desktop with screen syncing. C++ with Qt Quick GUI.

Philips Hue control app for desktop with screen syncing. C++ with Qt Quick GUI.

Sources : https://github.com/BradyBrenot/huestacean

GitHub - Geovation/wifispy: Sniff Wifi traffic, log device addresses.

Via river.

GitHub - kennyn510/wpa2-wordlists: A collection of wordlists dictionaries for password cracking

Via river.

GitHub - philcryer/wpa2own: Use hashcat to crack WPA2 PSK (Pre-Shared Key) passwords!

Via river.

Releases - XanMod Kernel

XanMod is a general-purpose Linux kernel distribution with custom settings and new features.
Built to provide a more rock-solid, responsive and smooth desktop experience.

Logiciel Cabinet Médical - Logiciel de gestion patients open source
Hausse des carburants : il tente de ramener dans ses bagages en cabine un jerrycan d'essence depuis l’Arabie saoudite