Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

January 22, 2021

5G - 5G : Test & Plug Challenge

Deskreen turns any device to a second screen for your computer

Via river.

pfSense adding WireGuard VPN and pfSense Plus | ServeTheHome
API Warriordudimanche

Je regroupe ici tous les «microservices» API que je fais. Vous pouvez les utiliser ou les installer sur vos propres serveurs (c'est libre et gratuit).

Run tasks automatically, monitor your email inbox, and run web searches with TaskRunner - gHacks Tech News

Automating things that you do frequently can aid you in becoming more productive. There are a few good programs that you can choose for this purpose such as RoboIntern or System Scheduler. TaskRunner takes it a step further, by combining several useful tools into one user-friendly program. The program is compatible with all supported versions of Microsoft's Windows operating system; version 3.4.1049 was used for this review.

Thunderdome 4 (IV) The Devil's Last Wish CD 1 Part 2 - Shaarli ¦ Orangina Rouge

Merci pour ce retour en arrière de 25ans au moins :heart: