1707 private links
Emailchemy converts email from the closed, proprietary file formats of the most popular (and many of yesterday’s forgotten) email applications to standard, portable formats that any application can use. These standard formats are ideal for importing, long term archival, database entry, or forensic analysis and eDiscovery.
Convertir vmdk vers vhd(x).
Avec https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/stevemoore/2017/06/08/convert-vmdk-to-vhd-fails-with-the-entry-2-is-not-a-supported-disk-database-entry/ en cas d'erreur, ça aide.
Avec le classique https://www.forensit.com/domain-migration.html
for book in *.mobi; do echo "Conversion de $book"; ebook-convert "$book" "$(basename "$book" .mobi).epub"; done
Via river.
Titre, Dokuwiki vers .md.
Simple command-line utility to convert CSV files to searchable and sortable HTML table.
Passer un disque de VM d'un Proxmox à un ESXI par exemple, on converti le disque :
qemu-img convert -pO vmdk /path/disk.raw /path/disk.vmdk
-p : avancement de la tache, utile,
-O : format de sortie du disque :
- raw : (default) the raw format is a plain binary image of the disc image, and is very portable. On filesystems that support sparse files, images in this format only use the space actually used by the data recorded in them.
- cloop : Compressed Loop format, mainly used for reading Knoppix and similar live CD image formats
- cow : copy-on-write format, supported for historical reasons only and not available to QEMU on Windows
- qcow : the old QEMU copy-on-write format, supported for historical reasons and superseded by qcow2
- qcow2 : QEMU copy-on-write format with a range of special features, including the ability to take multiple snapshots, smaller images on filesystems that don't support sparse files, optional AES encryption, and optional zlib compression
- vmdk : VMware 3 & 4, or 6 image format, for exchanging images with that product
- vdi : VirtualBox 1.1 compatible image format, for exchanging images with VirtualBox.
- vhdx : Hyper-V compatible image format, for exchanging images with Hyper-V 2012 or later.
- vpc : Hyper-V legacy image format, for exchanging images with Virtual PC / Virtual Server / Hyper-V 2008.
vboxmanage clonehd <orig-disque>.vdi <temp-disque>.img --format raw
qemu-img convert -f raw <temp-disque>.img -O qcow2 <final-disque>.qcow2
On vérifie le contenu du fichier .ova :
tar -tf <mon-appliance>.ova
On extrait :
tar -xvf <mon-appliance>.ova
On récupère l'image disque au format vmdk :
On convertit l'image disque :
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 <mon-appliance>.vmdk <mon-appliance>.qcow2
Convert virtual machines and disks from VMware hosts to Hyper-V hosts and Windows Azure or convert computers and disks to Hyper-V hosts.
Avec PowerShell :
Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter\MvmcCmdlet.psd1'
Get-Command -module mvmccmdlet
ConvertTo-MvmcVirtualHardDisk -SourceLiteralPath "S:\Templates\Win2012DC.vmdk" -DestinationLiteralPath "C:\ClusterStorage\VMs\Temp" -VhdType DynamicHardDisk -VhdFormat Vhdx
#If offline can disable the tools. If was online could uninstall from the source VM Uninstall-MvmcSourceVMTools
Disable-MvmcSourceVMTools -DestinationLiteralPath "C:\ClusterStorage\VMs\Temp\Win2012DC.vhdx"
"ITN ConverterITN Converter, plus connu sous le diminutif ITNConv, est à la fois un convertisseur d'itinéraire supportant de nombreux formats, et un planificateur d'itinéraire simple et efficace."
Et pour le nom du site.