1707 private links
Skydive is an open source real-time network topology and protocols analyzer providing a comprehensive way of understanding what is happening in your network infrastructure.
Create rich, interactive reports with visual analytics at your fingertips—for free.
HylaFAX Open Source is an enterprise-class system for sending and receiving facsimiles as well as for sending alpha-numeric pages.
Via river je crois, à tester.
SWF File Player is a free player for SWF (Shockwave Flash) files, can quickly open SWF files and read metadata tags from the file header, software can automatically resize program window to fit SWF content and show it. This is a completely freeware, you can use it for free.
Au cas ou.
Via https://www.ghacks.net/2019/07/16/how-to-load-swf-files-on-the-desktop/
NVDA, la meilleure réponse libre à l'accessibilité de l'informatique pour les aveugles et malvoyants.
Outils d'accessibilité pour malvoyant sous Windows. A regarder avec :
- https://www.technologie-handicap-accessibilite.net/dossiers/logiciels-pour-laccessibilite/
- http://www.accessolutions.fr/Jaws-pour-Windows.html
- https://www.monwindows.com/blog/accessibilite--quroffre-windows-10-pour-aider-les-personnes-malvoyantes-t112296.html
- [OLD] https://www.monpc-pro.fr/tuto/windows-10-adaptez-windows-a-votre-handicap/
- [OLD] https://www.windows8facile.fr/configurer-windows-pour-malvoyant/
- https://www.lifewire.com/free-windows-software-pc-more-accessible-198676
- https://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/accessibility/windows
Bastillion is an open-source web-based SSH console that centrally manages administrative access to systems.
A bastion host for administrators with features that promote infrastructure security, including key management and auditing.
Même si Guacamole reste le must-have.
Via https://shaarli.memiks.fr/?qbxriA
Trésorier d'un comité d'entreprise !
Si vous cherchez un logiciel gratuit et fiable pour tenir la comptabilité de votre comité,
vous l'avez trouvé.
Via https://linuxfr.org/users/dark_moule/journaux/logiciel-comptable-et-ergonomie
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