1707 private links
To install any utility/application:
alias install="sudo yum install -y"
To update the system:
alias update="sudo yum update -y"
To upgrade the system:
alias upgrade="sudo yum upgrade -y"
To change to the root user:
alias root="sudo su -"
To change to "user," where "user" is set as your username:
alias user="su user"
To display the list of all available ports, their status, and IP:
alias myip="ip -br -c a"
To ssh to the server myserver:
alias myserver="ssh user@my_server_ip”
To list all processes in the system:
alias process="ps -aux"
To check the status of any system service:
alias sstatus="sudo systemctl status"
To restart any system service:
alias srestart="sudo systemctl restart"
To kill any process by its name:
alias kill="sudo pkill
Via river.
Base bash.
Miam, Alpine.
Clink combines the native Windows shell cmd.exe with the powerful command line editing features of the GNU Readline library, which provides rich completion, history, and line-editing capabilities. Readline is best known for its use in the well-known Unix shell Bash, the standard shell for Mac OS X and many Linux distributions.