1707 private links
omv-mkconf rrdcached
omv-mkconf monit
omv-mkconf collectd
Semble corriger l'affichage d'erreurs.
Reset presque propre de serveur WSUS.
Script ''php'' de scan manuel des fichiers, quand on n'a aucun accès console à l'hébergement.
// copy the script into the nextcloud mainfolder where console.php is located, e.g. /var/www/nextcloud
$path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
echo "PHP Version: " . phpversion() ."<br>";
// run upgrade routines after installation of a new release. The release has to be installed before.
//exec("php $path/console.php upgrade 2>&1", $out, $result);
// rescan filesystem
exec("php $path/console.php files:scan --all -v 2>&1", $out, $result);
// for more commands see documentation
echo "Returncode: " .$result ."<br>";
echo "Console output: " ."<br>";
echo "<pre>"; print_r($out);
Based on Debian 9.4 and Linux Kernel 4.15
You can create clusters easily via the GUI
New certificate management with Let's Encrypt
Cloud-Init for VM provisioning
New Samba/CIFS storage plugin for shared storage
LXC: move disk and create templates now also possible with containers
Xterm.js console
I/O limits for restore
and much more...
Après Dell, HP.
Avec https://github.com/Oros42/shaarlis_list pour mettre à jour la river.
Mises à jour (live on dirait) de Wikipedia, le tout qui compose de la musique, ça détend, et ça aura du mal à être répétitif.
Erreur a l'installation Windows 10 Windows Update 80240020