1707 private links
C’est à dire qu’on peut utiliser un USBASP pour bien d’autres choses qu’un programmateur: Clavier USB, souris, Interface USB/Série ou USB/Midi, télécommande I/R…
hidden, usb, faire boot une VM sur un fichier .iso qui lui chargera automatiquement un périphérique USB en mode passthrough à la VM (en gros, facile de boot des VMs sur clé USB physique).
VirtualHere allows USB devices to be used remotely over a network just as if they were locally connected!
USBDLM is a Windows service that gives control over Windows' drive letter assignment for USB drives. Running as service makes it independent of the logged on user's privileges, so there is no need to give the users the privilege to change drive letters.
PoisonTap - siphons cookies, exposes internal router & installs web backdoor on locked computers
If you upgraded your Shield to the 3.0 firmware, Android's usage of External Storage has changed and you no longer have permission to Write / Delete to all of External Storage IF it is formnatted as NTFS or (I believe) ExFAT.
FAT32 formatted drives (or in my case USB Sticks) can be written to as before.
For NTFS (and ExFat I assume), you can only write to files within a folder in Android/Data on the External Drive with the name of the Application that will be doing the writing, so in your case an ES File Exporer directory.
Sisi, ça peut vraiment servir. Des fois. On sait jamais.