1707 private links
Du backup Mastodon, via http://sebsauvage.net/links/?xvzCAw
Veeam Backup Backup & Réplication est une solution de sauvegarde complète, qui est composée de plusieurs modules initialement prévu pour répondre aux besoins de la virtualisation.
This tutorial shows how you can back up Linux and Windows systems with BackupPC. BackupPC acts as a server and is installed on a Linux system, and from there it can connect to all Linux and Windows systems in your local network to back them up and restore them without interfering with the user's work on that system. On the clients minimal to no configuration is needed. BackupPC supports full and incremental backups, and it comes with a neat web frontend for the administrator and normal user so that backups and recoveries can be managed through a web browser. It should be noted, however, that BackupPC does file-based backups, not bit-wise backups like Ghost4Linux, for example, so it is not made for disk/partition imaging.
Avec :
Pour l'outil LFTP.
Backup & Restore de configuration ESXi en ligne de commande avec PowerCLI.
Connect-VIServer <mon-esxi-ip>
Get-VMHostFirmware -VMHost <mon-esxi-ip> -BackupConfiguration -DestinationPath "C:\Downloads"
Set-VMHost -VMHost <mon-esxi-ip> -State "Maintenance"
Get-VMHost "<mon-esxi-ip>" | Set-VMHostFirmware -Restore -DestinationPath "C:\Downloads"
Get-vmhost "<mon-esxi-ip>" | Set-VMHostFirmware -Restore -Force -DestinationPath "C:\Downloads"
UrBackup is an easy to setup Open Source client/server backup system, that through a combination of image and file backups accomplishes both data safety and a fast restoration time.
Via https://linuxfr.org/news/urbackup-un-logiciel-de-sauvegarde-moderne