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1707 private links
68 results
Have your .PST (Outlook archives) files taken over? MailScavator lets you select all your PST files and re-organize them by date and size. So you will end up with files named "Jsmith 2007.pst" etc.
Gérer des fichiers .PST.
Avec :
- http://www.rethinkit.com/prodOutback.html : End the .pst backup nightmare. Outback runs in your startup folder and every 10 days makes a copy of your .pst files before Outlook starts.
- http://www.rethinkit.com/prodSmartPST.html : Use SmartPST to attach / detach PST files the way Outlook SHOULD do it in the first place.
Télécharger les anciennes versions d'Office, via http://liens.bytesadmin.net/?PBGSTA
Surface Tools for IT
"This download location stores all the right tools you need as a IT Professional when you want to deploy, manage and secure a Surface device in your organization."
Faire debloquer les IP de sont serveurs de mail (pour la reception vers Hotmail/live/outlook etc ..)
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