18303 shaares
1707 private links
1707 private links
106 results
Find new libraries to get your job done by browsing the categories of any specific domain site. Libraries have been sumibitted and currated by the community and when necessary currated by us.
- http://madmalik.github.io/mononoki/ (+1)
- http://font.ubuntu.com/ (mono)
- https://robey.lag.net/2010/06/21/mensch-font.html
- https://dejavu-fonts.github.io/
- http://input.fontbureau.com/
- https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode
Installer des polices sous Linux :
Généralement, il vous suffit de les copier dans le dossier ~/.fonts
et de taper fc-cache -fv
Visual Studio Dev Essentials
Formation, services cloud et outils gratuits
SteamKit2 is a .NET library designed to interoperate with Valve's Steam network. It aims to provide a simple, yet extensible, interface to perform various actions on the network.
A parcourir.
RSAT pour Windows 10 disponible.