1707 private links
The differences between PowerShell and PowerShell Core
Via river.
New-Shortcut -ShortcutFullName "C:\Users\Florian\Desktop\IT-Connect.lnk" -ShortcutTarget "https://www.it-connect.fr"
ADAssist is a PowerShell script that generates Windows Forms (WinForms) and provides the following features:
Computer component :
- Verifies the connectivity and general information for selected computer
- Provides information regarding computer’s operating system
- Displays network configuration, update GPOs, list settings and ports
- Queries and display services, process …
User component :
- Displays basic user info
- Provides list of the computer(s) used by selected user
- Shows logon activity for selected user and selected log file
- Launches a tool to display, manage and edit user’s attributes and membership in AD
#Déclaration d'une whitelist de bornes connues
#Le fichier de log
#Récupération du contenu du fichier existant
If(Test-Path -Path $logfile)
$logs+=Import-CSV -Path $logfile
#Scan des SSIDs et des BSSIDs
$cmd=netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid
For($i=0;$i -lt $n;$i++)
If($cmd[$i] -Match '^SSID[^:]+:.(.*)$')
$bool=$cmd[$i] -Match 'Type[^:]+:.(.+)$'
$bool=$cmd[$i] -Match 'Authentification[^:]+:.(.+)$'
$bool=$cmd[$i] -Match 'Chiffrement[^:]+:.(.+)$'
While($cmd[$i] -Match 'BSSID[^:]+:.(.+)$')
$bool=$cmd[$i] -Match 'Signal[^:]+:.(.+)$'
$bool=$cmd[$i] -Match 'Type[^:]+:.(.+)$'
$bool=$cmd[$i] -Match 'Canal[^:]+:.(.+)$'
If($bssid -notin $whitelist)
#Consignation des BSSIDs et des SSIDs
#Sauvegarde dans le fichier de logs
$logs| Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Path $logfile
#Facultatif : affichage des résultats si vous exécutez le script en mode interactif
$logs|Out-GridView -Title 'Log Scan Wifi'
Speed up PowerShell with simplified multithreading
In this post, I will share with you a PowerShell module I created that allows you to tell a text using the System voice.
PowerNSX provides a series of PowerShell cmdlets to administer and automate NSX for vSphere.
This PowerShell module includes various functions that utilize the Slack API to create a command and control channel. The main function, Start-Shell, will connect to a user-specified Slack channel and authenticate using a supplied API authentication token for a given Slack team and user. Any command typed into the channel will then be executed, in PowerShell, on the host.
Via https://www.it-connect.fr/slackshell-un-module-powershell-pour-slack/