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Elasticlunr.js is a lightweight full-text search engine in Javascript for browser search and offline search. Elasticlunr.js is developed based on Lunr.js, but more flexible than lunr.js. Elasticlunr.js provides Query-Time boosting and field search. Elasticlunr.js is a bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright, but also provide flexible configuration and query-time boosting.
Linux Lite was created to make the transition from Windows to a linux based operating system, as smooth as possible.
Encore une distro basée sur Ubuntu à tester.
I'm a freelance illustrator based in North Carolina. I also draw comics on the side as well.
My artwork and comic themes focus on interpersonal relationships, and coming-of-age moments in life (With a touch of fantasy!).
Via river.