1707 private links
Pour vous faciliter la tâche, Igloo propose un ensemble de commandes simples pour vous permettre de réaliser aisément des tâches d’administration et de maintenance, comme configurer des clients VPN, paramétrer des firewalls ou installer des packages optionnels.
Via https://www.geekzone.fr/2019/10/22/igloo-simplifie-la-vie-des-administrateurs-systeme-sous-windows/
apnscp is the perfect hosting platform for your PHP, Ruby, Node, Python, and Go projects. Enable SSL with 1-click, automatically update webapps, scan for OS anomalies, receive notification of service defects, block threats real-time, and keep your site operating at peak performance.
Panel d'aministration qui semble complet et intéressant, à tester.
Sources : https://gitlab.com/apisnetworks/apnscp
The DebOps project provides a set of general-purpose Ansible roles that can be used to manage Debian or Ubuntu hosts. In addition, a default set of Ansible playbooks can be used to apply the provided roles in a controlled way, using Ansible inventory groups.
RemoteBox is a VirtualBox client. In essence, you can remotely administer (ie over the network) an installation of VirtualBox on a server, including its guests and interact with them as if they were running locally. VirtualBox is installed on 'the server' machine and RemoteBox runs on 'the client' machine. RemoteBox provides a complete GTK graphical interface with a look and feel very similar to that of VirtualBox's native GUI. If you're familiar with other virtualization software, such as VMWare ESX, then think of RemoteBox as the "poor man's" VI client.
Faut que je reteste Cockpit.
Via river.
Dashboard Bootstrap 4, avec https://github.com/tabler/tabler via https://links.yome.ch/?2tpiJQ
This document is a collection of Unix/Linux/BSD commands and tasks which are useful for IT work or for advanced users. This is a practical guide with concise explanations, however the reader is supposed to know what s/he is doing.
Sentora is based on the solid foundations of ZPanel and developed by the original team, Sentora provides a robust open-source web hosting control panel for small to medium ISPs.
ZPanel n'était plus mis à jour depuis quelques années, mais certains ont fork, et ça donne donc Sentora. A tester.