18303 shaares
1707 private links
1707 private links
3 results
To install any utility/application:
alias install="sudo yum install -y"
To update the system:
alias update="sudo yum update -y"
To upgrade the system:
alias upgrade="sudo yum upgrade -y"
To change to the root user:
alias root="sudo su -"
To change to "user," where "user" is set as your username:
alias user="su user"
To display the list of all available ports, their status, and IP:
alias myip="ip -br -c a"
To ssh to the server myserver:
alias myserver="ssh user@my_server_ip”
To list all processes in the system:
alias process="ps -aux"
To check the status of any system service:
alias sstatus="sudo systemctl status"
To restart any system service:
alias srestart="sudo systemctl restart"
To kill any process by its name:
alias kill="sudo pkill