18303 shaares
1707 private links
1707 private links
18 results
OpenNebula is an open-source project delivering a simple but feature-rich and flexible solution to build and manage enterprise clouds and virtualized data centers.
Complete documentation: https://docs.opennebula.org
Via river.
Typhoon is a minimal and free Kubernetes distribution.
J'adore le principe, via https://nicolas-delsaux.hd.free.fr/Shaarli/?Y2QWTQ
- SmartOS : http://wiki.smartos.org/display/DOC/Download+SmartOS,
- Project Atomic,
- Alpine Linux,
- Resin OS : images prebuilds disponibles pour RaspberryPI, Intel NUC directement,
- CargOS,
- VMWare Photon : https://github.com/vmware/photon/wiki/Downloading-Photon-OS optimisé pour tourner dans une VM,
- Rancher OS (gestion de containers, pas full OS) : https://github.com/rancher/rancher#installation
- CoreOS : gestion de containers,
Store photos, videos, VMs, containers, log files, or any blob of data as objects.