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Caesium is one of the most popular image optimization software available helping photographers, bloggers, webmasters, businesses or casual users at storing, sending and sharing digital pictures.
A tester.
Convertir une photo classique en personnage.
Via river.
A generator of cats pictures optimised to generate or random avatars, or defined avatar from a "seed". A derivation by David Revoy from the original MonsterID by Andreas Gohr.
HashiCorp Packer is easy to use and automates the creation of any type of machine image. It embraces modern configuration management by encouraging you to use automated scripts to install and configure the software within your Packer-made images. Packer brings machine images into the modern age, unlocking untapped potential and opening new opportunities.
ShaderGif is a free and open source home for art made with code
Web photo gallery with live thumbnailing and resizing capability to make viewing large RAW galleries over slow connections possible.
A tester.
Via river.
The hydrus network client is a desktop application written for Anonymous and other internet-enthusiasts with large media collections. It organises your files into an internal database and browses them with tags instead of folders, a little like a booru on your desktop. Tags and files can be anonymously shared through custom servers that any user may run. Everything is free, nothing phones home, and the source code is included with the release. It is developed mostly for Windows, but reasonably functional builds for Linux and OS X are available.
Via https://www.ghacks.net/2018/12/17/remove-backgrounds-from-photos-automatically/
Enfin bon, ça reste un service en ligne quoi, gaffe à ce qu'on upload, et ça se fait assez facilement avec un bon coup d'éditeur en local.
Editeur d'images en ligne. Via http://sebsauvage.net/links/?-Gcd8A