1707 private links
Pinepods is a complete podcast management system and allows you to play, download, and keep track of podcasts you enjoy. All self hosted and enjoyed on your own server!
A dead simple static HTML website builder which can be hosted anywhere for super fast websites and very little effort
Tired of juggling Git and YAML to update your Next.js, Astro, Hugo or Nuxt website? Make it easy on you and your team, get a user-friendly CMS running straight on top of GitHub.
Looking for a powerful and very fast CMS ?
Fasty is a multi-tenant CMS / APP Builder built on top of OpenResty, lapis, Lua & arangoDB. It's blazing fast ! No need to use flat file CMS ... Enjoy the power of a true database within the fastest CMS.
Small Web construction set.
An open source platform for building a writing space on the web.
Your one-stop static site engine
Murph is an open-source CMF built on top of Symfony that helps you to build your own CMS with several domains and languages. It comes with a fully implemented and customizable tree manager, a CRUD generator, a 2FA authentication, settings and tasks managers, basic web analytics.
Creating a website doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. With Publii, the most intuitive static site CMS, you can create a beautiful, safe, and privacy-friendly website quickly and easily; perfect for anyone who wants a fast, secure website in a flash.
Créez un site Web performant en toute simplicité
Pelican is a static site generator that requires no database or server-side logic.
Avec :
Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites | Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs
Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs.
Avec :
- https://blog.smarchal.com/jekyll-sous-windows
- https://github.com/agusmakmun/agusmakmun.github.io
- https://github.com/chrisbobbe/jekyll-theme-prologue
- https://github.com/fongandrew/hydeout
- https://github.com/harsh98trivedi/links
- https://github.com/pmarsceill/just-the-docs
- https://github.com/sharu725/online-cv
- https://github.com/stackbithq/stackbit-theme-fresh/tree/jekyll
- https://github.com/tomjoht/documentation-theme-jekyll/tree/gh-pages
- https://idratherbewriting.com/documentation-theme-jekyll
- https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation
- https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/windows
- https://marges.clairezuliani.com/sustainable_code/2019/03/17/site-gitlab-pages.html
- https://riptutorial.com/fr/jekyll
FlatPress is a lightweight, easy-to-set-up blogging engine. Plain and simple, just PHP. No database needed! Being around since 2006, FlatPress is mature and well-tested.
A fast, simple & powerful blog framework