Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

November 15, 2017

Pablo décerne ses Mira d'or La chronique de Pablo Mira - YouTube

Pablo est scandalisé par le classement des personnalités de l'année du magazine GQ

nicoh ho ho sur Twitter : "instead of yeeett another tolkien thing, why don't they do a Robin Hobb series cmon" - Nekoblog.org :: Marque-pages

Ce dont j'ai souvent revé pour une adaptation série/animation : Wang de Pierre Bordage et Les Chroniques d'Arcturus de Gilles Servat :heart_eyes:


This CSS file intends to warn developers about possible risks and mistakes that exist in HTML code. It can also be used to roughly evaluate a site's quality by simply including it as an external stylesheet.

Via https://nicolas-delsaux.hd.free.fr/Shaarli/?kMQTUQ

A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks
Happy Easter
GitHub - UltimateHackers/Striker: Striker is an offensive information and vulnerability scanner.

Striker is an offensive information and vulnerability scanner.

Understanding the MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit module - Syst & Deploy