Daily Shaarli
December 26, 2018
Netplan is a utility for easily configuring networking on a linux system. You simply create a YAML description of the required network interfaces and what each should be configured to do. From this description Netplan will generate all the necessary configuration for your chosen renderer tool.
Hass.io turns your Raspberry Pi (or another device) into the ultimate home automation hub powered by Home Assistant. With Hass.io you can focus on integrating your devices and writing automations.
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The main goal of DockSTARTer is to make it quick and easy to get up and running with Docker.
Via river.
PacketFence is a fully supported, trusted, Free and Open Source network access control (NAC) solution.
MyCLI is a command line interface for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
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Jisho is a powerful Japanese-English dictionary. It lets you find words, kanji, example sentences and more quickly and easily.
TabNine is the all-language autocompleter. It uses machine learning to provide responsive, reliable, and relevant suggestions.