Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 14 (April 1, 2024)


It supports reading RSS and Atom and JSON feeds and then posting those items to Mastodon and Micro.blog and GitHub and LinkAce. Or it can send them as Webmentions and Webhooks.

More services coming soon.

Our Favorite FOSS Alternatives to Popular Android Apps
Self-Hosted Applications and Alternatives

selfh.st/apps is a curated list of self-hosted applications with tags, alternatives, and development details for easy discovery and browsing. The list is populated by a database initially built for monitoring the applications and release details included in This Week in Self-Hosted.

Magasin d'applications pour les applications Web - WebCatalog

Transformez les sites Web en applications de bureau avec WebCatalog Desktop et accédez à une multitude d'applications exclusives sur Mac, Windows, Linux. Utilisez les espaces pour organiser les applications, basculez facilement entre plusieurs comptes et augmentez votre productivité comme jamais auparavant.

How To Add PPA Repository Manually Without "add-apt-repository" On Ubuntu
Économisez 100 % sur Content Warning sur Steam
Awesome Database Tools