Community & related software#
Unofficial but related work on Shaarli. If you maintain one of these, please get in touch with us to help us find a way to adapt your work to our fork.
Related software#
REST API clients#
See REST API for a list of official and community clients.
Third party plugins#
autosave by @kalvn: Automatically saves data when editing a Shaare to avoid any loss in case of crash or unexpected shutdown.
clickat by @n: Makes Twitter and Fediverse addresses clickable.
clickcounter by @waschinski: Shaarli plugin that counts how often links have been clicked
code-coloration by @ArthurHoaro: client side code syntax highlighter.
colorscheme by @kcaran: Displays colors in #xxyyzz format as an inline sample block.
custom-css by @immanuelfodor - Customize the look and feel of the UI with custom CSS rules
disqus by @kalvn: Adds Disqus comment system to your Shaarli.
emojione by @immanuelfodor - Resurrected fork of the original emojione project
favicons by @trailjeep - Shaarli plugin to add favicon/filetype icons to Shaares.
google analytics by @ericjuden: Adds Google Analytics tracking support
image-upload by @meerkatzenwildschein: Upload images to your Shaarli for use in Shaares. Good for blogging/microblogging.
launch - Launch Plugin is a plugin designed to enhance and customize Launch Theme for Shaarli.
markdown-toolbar by @immanuelfodor - Easily insert markdown syntax into the Description field when editing a Shaare.
offen by @waschinski - Shaarli plugin that adds Offen analytics tracking code to Shaarli pages.
related by @ilesinge - Show related Shaares based on the number of identical tags.
shaarli-descriptor by @immanuelfodor - Customize the default height/number of rows of the Description field when editing a Shaare.
shaarli2mastodon by @kalvn - This Shaarli plugin allows you to automatically publish links you post on your Mastodon timeline.
shaarli2bluesky by @kalvn - Automatically post your links from Shaarli to Bluesky.
shaarli2twitter by @ArthurHoaro - Automatically tweet your Shaares from Shaarli
targetblank by @waschinski: Shaarli plugin to open all external links in new tabs/windows
webhooks by @flow.gunso - Shaarli plugin that enables user-defined callback URL, i.e. webhooks, for specific Shaarli events (link saving, deletion…)
youtube by @kcaran - Shaarli plugin that that retrieves summary and metadata information for youtube videos. A YouTube Data API key is required.
kalvn/Shaarli-Material - A theme (template) based on Google’s Material Design for Shaarli, the superfast delicious clone
ManufacturaInd/shaarli-2004licious-theme - A template/theme as a humble homage to the early looks of the site
RolandTi/shaarli-stack - A miminalist template/theme for Shaarli
xfnw/shaarli-default-dark - The default theme but nice and dark for your eyeballs
kcaran/shirley-template - A responsive theme that is feature-compatible with the default theme and supports the latest version of Shaarli.
mrjovanovic/serious-theme-shaarli - A serious theme for Shaarli (custom CSS)
Integration with other platforms#
tt-rss-shaarli - Tiny-Tiny RSS plugin that adds support for sharing articles with Shaarli
octopress-shaarli - Octopress plugin to retrieve Shaarli Shaares on the sidebar
Scuttle to Shaarli - Import bookmarks from Scuttle
Shaarli app for Cloudron -
Effortlessly run Shaarli with the help of Cloudron
Shaarli_ynh -
Shaarli is available as a Yunohost app
shaarli_poster - pelican static blog generator plugin to auto-post articles on a Shaarli instance
shaarli .deb package - for Debian and Freedombox
Mobile apps#
ShaarliOS -
Apple iOS share extension.
Shaarlier for Android -
Android application to simply add Shaares directly into your Shaarli via Sharing. Free software.
Stakali for Android -
Stakali is a personal bookmark manager which synchronizes with Shaarli. Support offline work without instance, sync, browsing within app. Free use of up to 20 results.
Shaarli for Android - Android application that adds Shaarli as a sharing provider.
Desktop apps#
Ulauncher Extension - Ulauncher is an an application launcher for Linux, this extension allows research in your Shaarli
Browser extensions#
Shaarli Firefox Extension -
toolbar button to share your current tab with Shaarli.
Shaanti -
a bookmark extension using the Shaarli API
Add to Shaarli -
lets you add the current tab or a note to your Shaarli instance.
WebLinks Ext -
Save, edit and use your Shaarli. Support work offline, sync, trash, etc. Free software.
Shaarli Chrome Extension - toolbar button to share your current tab with Shaarli. (Removed from Chrome web store).
Server apps#
Shaarli Archiver - Shaarli and SingleFile to archive your bookmarks
shaarchiver - Archive your Shaarli bookmarks and their content
shaarli-river - An aggregator for shaarlis with many features
Shaarlo - An aggregator for shaarlis with many features
Shaarlimages - An image-oriented aggregator for Shaarlis
mknexen/shaarli-api - A REST API for Shaarli
Self dead link - Detect dead links on shaarli. This version use the database of shaarli. Another version, can be used for other shaarli instances (but is more resource consuming).
Bookmark Archiver - Save an archived copy of all websites starred using browser bookmarks/Shaarli/Delicious/Instapaper/ Outputs browseable html.
Alternatives to Shaarli#
Liens en vrac de sebsauvage - the original Shaarli
Adieu Delicious, Diigo et StumbleUpon. Salut Shaarli ! - (fr) 16/09/2011 - the original post about Shaarli
Articles and social media discussions#
2020-04-05 - Hacker News - Self-hosted instance of Shaarli - it is simple, fast and reliable
2016-10-10 - Framasoft - MyFrama : vos favoris partout, avec vous, rien qu’à vous !
2016-09-22 - Hacker News - Shaarli – Personal, minimalist, database-free, bookmarking service (
2015-08-15 - Reddit - Question about migrating from WordPress to Shaarli.
2015-06-22 - Hacker News - Shaarli: Self-hosted alternative (
2015-05-12 - Reddit - shaarli - Self hosted Bookmarking / Delicious (PHP, MySQL)
2014-10-15 - - Five open source alternatives to popular web apps
It also appears in the following recommendation lists: